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De facto Relationships

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Since 1 March 2009, de facto couples’ rights upon separation have been governed by the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). However, there are qualifying conditions that can affect your claim under the Family Law Act.

That is, de facto couples are required to first establish that a de facto relationship existed before they are able to make a claim under the Family Law Act.  Generally, this means proving that you have cohabitated and were financially dependent on your partner for at least two years or there is a child of the relationship.

If your relationship broke down prior to 1 March 2009, the state and territory laws will apply. In New South Wales, this is the Property (Relationships) Act 1984.

At Hikma Legal, our team of family law specialists guide you through the complicated legislation and advise you as to your rights and entitlements arising from your relationship.

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